Posted by Mike Dennis on September 15, 2016 at 05:42:19 user MTD.
In Reply to: Review on IMDb posted by Adam Quinan on September 15, 2016 at 03:29:52:
There are reviews of the film on the listing for the forthcoming DVD release (12 at the time of writing) one is particularly scathing and includes the following -
"... [the] characters were changed to suit modern adult ideas of childhood - no longer are the Walkers the capable mutually supportive team who know how to avoid the dangers of jibing when sailing, how to cook over an open fire, how to fish and prepare their catch etc - now they bicker, whinge and blame each other when things go wrong. Only Tatty (Titty) comes near the original and even she screams unnecessarily! Nancy (wouldn't children understand the "pirates are ruthless" joke these days?) has been turned into a sulky pre-teenager instead of a feisty Amazon ..."
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