Posted by Patrick Fox on September 26, 2016 at 01:55:26 user PJF.
In Reply to: Re: where to enjoy AR posted by Mike Dennis on September 24, 2016 at 06:54:01:
Used to read them as "comfort reading" whenever the mood took me. More recently I've enjoyed having the excuse of reading them aloud to my own children. As to where, we've managed those readings in reasonably appropriate settings from time to time. Last year I timed it so we were reading Coot Club while, as a family, camping on two open boats on the Broads. I read them Great Northern one summer sailing trip in the Hebrides. And we've managed several of the Lakes books while holidaying in the Lakes. And I remember reading We Didn't Mean to Go to Sea while anchored, not on the east coast, but at least in Salcombe one summer. There is a special something about reading the books in the same sort of setting as they're describing.
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