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Re: 2016 S&A Film - a late reaction

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Posted by Mike Field on December 15, 2016 at 01:14:54 user mikefield.

In Reply to: Re: 2016 S&A Film - a late reaction posted by Mike Field on December 15, 2016 at 01:08:32:

... and I should have added, I am in heated agreement with your September comments -- should be borne in mind that “Swallows & Amazons” is not a play – it is a novel, which is a very different animal. With a play, be it Shakespeare or whoever, all you need do is stick to the script, and then you can do what you like with the setting, the costumes, have women playing male roles etc etc, but it is considered a no-no to interfere with the script written by the playwright. With a novel, the whole book is in effect the “script” and therefore you should be faithful to it. A “new Nancy interpretation” is, to my mind, a perversion of what Ransome intended. He did not write Nancy as a “sulky pre-teenager” and therefore you should not portray Nancy as such. The fact that it may appeal more to present-day children (and thereby increase box-office appeal) is to my mind irrelevant. I am not concerned with film-maker’s profits.

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