Posted by Ed Kiser on December 15, 2016 at 08:29:51 user Kisered.
In Reply to: Re: 2016 S&A Film - a late reaction posted by Martin Honor on December 15, 2016 at 07:43:52:
"messing about in boats"
This certainly should have been a well loved oft repeated phrase found somewhere in a RANSOME book, but such is not the case.
I quote from "WIND IN TH$ WILLOWS" -
`Nice? It's the only thing,' said the Water Rat solemnly, as he
leant forward for his stroke. `Believe me, my young friend,
there is nothing -- absolute nothing -- half so much worth doing
as simply messing about in boats. Simply messing,' he went on
dreamily: `messing -- about -- in -- boats; messing -- -- '
Our beloved Ransome characters would certainly have agreed with such a claim.
And as for seeing the DVD of that movie, I am glad the technology used in that offering is for the UK, but NOT acceptable in machines in the USA. So I am spared the dismay of warping of the story I knew of my childhood friends.
Ed Kiser, Kentucky, USA [ ]
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