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Re: Character ages (was: schools)

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Posted by Magnus Smith on January 04, 2017 at 09:23:35 user Magnus.

In Reply to: Character ages (was: schools) posted by Robert Hill on January 03, 2017 at 11:49:36:

Regarding 'hoofs' I think all bets are off. My teenage daughters are size 6 and there's a lad in their class with size 12s already. Feet don't always have to tally with height or age, and during childhood they can grow at a rate that seems utterly independent of all other factors.

My youngest has had the same size hoofs for two or three years at Primary school, which has saved me a fortune in Clarks. Her elder siblings cost me a heck of a lot more.

So in this one area, at least, I am prepared to say that AR made no error.

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