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Re: Review of 'Swallows, Amazons and Coots'

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Posted by Alan Hakim on January 18, 2017 at 09:49:41 user awhakim.

In Reply to: Re: Review of 'Swallows, Amazons and Coots' posted by Mike Dennis on January 18, 2017 at 08:33:53:

I have just finished reading the book, and my reaction in summary is that it won't get a permanent place on my Ransome bookshelf. The exposition of the plot of each book is good, but I know them already. Far worse is his constant harping on Empire themes. Books reflect the period they are written, not a much later era with different values. They came out when I was young, and the world of British children was as he described, though we all longed to have adventures like the S&As.
As for the analysis of the dowsing, I agree with Peter. It is a most memorable episode, but has never struck me as anything other than a true portrayal of a young girl being distressed by finding she had an unexpected gift outside her control.
I went on a dowsing course a few years ago, totally sceptical. It works. I can't explain it, and it certainly wasn't stressful, but the dowsing rods found what I was looking for, every time.

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