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Re: Britain's Lost Waterlands

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Posted by John Nichols on February 10, 2017 at 06:14:39 user Mcneacail.

In Reply to: Re: Britain's Lost Waterlands posted by Magnus Smith on February 09, 2017 at 22:04:04:

Boiling water:

Clean water and plumbing (no foul arrows or slings please) is an important consideration at the time and really up to to that point in time and one must say in Flint now.

National Geographic once noted that the Japanese/Chinese workers died at a much lower rate on the railroad construction across America than the Irish - drank tea instead of water.

The latest NG includes a good article on why beer is better than water if you have a contaminated supply and it is impossible to tell contamination until you are sick or dead.

In Oz in the 60's milk and 6 sugars - stuff it - just give me the sugar

Ed - I love your post -- well done old bean.

What is one man's midden is another man's archeological treasure.


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