Posted by Alex Forbes on May 17, 2017 at 13:02:38 user Pitsligo.
Here's a question for the collectors: what are the outside (overall) dimensions of the different editions of the books? For instance, Godine's edition is 8" x 5-1/2". Ideally I'd like to know the thicknesses of S&A and WDMTGTS, too --again, Godine's are 15/16" each.
I ask because I'm putting together a small, stuck-at-anchor-in-the-fog fiction library to have with me on my very small boat for a multi-month cruise I'm planning in the next few years. My sloop is only 19', so space is extremely limited, and precedence must be given to coast pilot, cruising guide, etc., thus I'm wondering which AR edition has the smallest footprint. At the moment, I'm looking at only taking my two favorites, S&A and WDMTGTS, together with a few other favorites (Racundra's First Cruise, The Day's Work/Many Inventions, collected Saki, collected O.Henry, Three Men In A Boat).
In some ways thickness is more of a concern, since I'm more limited by length of bookshelf than height (9" max) or depth 6-1/2"). So while the Puffin Edition softcovers are smaller footprints (standard mass market paperback), they may be thicker.
I have Godine and Cape editions on my shelf, but I don't have a Puffin close at hand, and I know nothing of the Vintage Classics, RedFox, or the different Random House editions. And there may be others who, by going with lighter paper or denser/smaller type, are what I ought to be looking for.
Any thoughts?
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