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Re: The Value of 1st Editions was Re: Sale of 1st editions

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Posted by Alex Forbes on December 07, 2017 at 08:49:28 user Pitsligo.

In Reply to: The Value of 1st Editions was Re: Sale of 1st editions posted by Adam Quinan on December 07, 2017 at 03:16:56:

I've got a couple first editions --an AR (purely by chance) and a Kipling (a gift from a good friend)-- and they are on my shelf to be read. No, technically they offer nothing that a modern reprint doesn't already provide. There is a certain pleasure in handling them, though. Perhaps a reverence for the story? I don't think I would buy a First as an investment, and certainly not of a book that I didn't treasure the story itself, and it would have to be a story that has by its longevity earned a place as a valuable element within my literary psyche. But with the right book, there is definitely a sense of awe, along the lines of "wow! this is where it started!" that is fun.


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