Posted by Peter Ceresole on December 10, 2017 at 02:52:28 user PeterC.
In Reply to: Re: The Value of 1st Editions was Re: Sale of 1st editions posted by Mike Dennis on December 10, 2017 at 00:14:00:
there are times when the physical book has almost as much importance as the text they contain.
And of course, there's always the value of marginal notes. My father was a prolific marginal noter.
He'd been an air raid warden in his time- I still have his tin hat hanging in the hall; well, where else do you put it? It's very comfortable and annotated. There's a luggage label inside attached to the webbing that tells where he bought it (Woodrow, Piccadilly) and the date, August '39.
And in "Post D" there are additions to Strachey's text confirming the truth of his observations.
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