Posted by Mike Field on February 03, 2018 at 04:18:25 user mikefield.
Something I've come across for the first time while proof-reading 'Winter Holiday' -- after I-don't-know-how-many prior readings of it. John is setting up the observatory's signal station for the first time, fixing a nail into the stonework on which to rig the signal halyard.
"This'll do," he said, trying it in his hand, and went to the big window. He stood there on the sill, holding to the wall with his right hand and reaching round it and as high up it as he could with his left. He found a crack between the stones, pushed into it a big nail that he fished out of his pocket, battered it firmly in with his stone hammer, and gave it a last knock from below to make it turn upwards.
This is pretty clearly describing how a left-hander would do this.
(Without any evidence) I'd only ever thought of Titty -- and just perhaps Dorothea -- being left-handed, not any of the others; and certainly not John.
Is there any other evidence of the children's handedness that anyone has come across?
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