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Breaking the fourth wall

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Posted by Magnus Smith on May 01, 2018 at 10:06:09 user Magnus.

Someone on the AR Facebook group recently mentioned this quote from S&A Chapter III...

Susan unhooked the traveller and she and Roger together brought down the sail and the yard. Titty with the crockery basket was well out of the way under the folds of the sail. All this happened much quicker than I can tell it, and when the sail was down Swallow still had enough way on her to slide in towards the beach.

...which made me think of this similar instance (which struck me as odd, as a child, that the author should address me so) from S&A Chapter XII...

Mate Susan, Able-seaman Titty, and the Boy Roger watched the lights and sang out the moment the top one showed a little to left or right of the lower one. With so many look-out men Captain John might have been content, but just once he looked round for himself and saw the two lights one above the other like the stop called a colon, which I am just going to make: there, like that.

These two are examples of 'breaking the fourth wall'. Can you think of others?

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