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Re: AR Anticipating WWII
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Posted by Jon on October 10, 2018 at 14:15:57
user Jon.
In Reply to: Re: AR Anticipating WWII posted by Dave Thewlis on October 10, 2018 at 05:42:24:
He'd have needed a very large degree of prescience or a high level of paranoia to have started the series on that basis, since Hitler's real rise to power didn't start until the 1932 elections. Leaving that aside, what elements of the books might have led the conspiracy theorist to such a premise?
Off the top of my head:
- In SA & SD, there are the use of bows and arrows
- Hidden messages, signalling and codes play key roles in SD, WH, PP, SW and ML and a secondary one in PM
- Scouting, tracking, and stalking come into play in SA, PP, CC, SW, BS, PM and GN. WH and SW also have good old-fashioned ambushes
- The core of SA is war, first between the Swallows and the Amazons, then between the combined forces and Captain Flint
Of course, someone needs to come up with a reason why all of the above aren't normal childrens' games. Anyone who's been a scout has undoubtedly learned at least elements of the first three; there have been essays (dare I say theses?) regarding sports as analog for war, even leaving out such games as "Capture the Flag".
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