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Re: The secret life of the GA

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Posted by wdmtgts on November 29, 2018 at 14:50:47 user wdmtgts.

In Reply to: Re: Least Favourite Character & Mr Farland! posted by RobinSelby on November 29, 2018 at 07:18:38:

Oho, we start to sift through the GA evidence; I understand that there are classified papers linking Miss Turner's lauded Harrogate refuge with Mrs Christie, to which you have evidently cleverly obtained access. Incidentally, did Nancy perhaps (SD) abstract the crossbow (there has been discussion of its provenience) from the GA's portmanteau, she never travelling unarmed after her Belgian experiences? Certainly her habits and demeanour point to post-traumatic stress disorder, featuring a desperate desire to return to an orderly past and a reduced ability to see situations from others' points of view.
As for Col. Jolys, he may indeed be the 'Waterloo Sedley' (see Vanity Fair for that well-known faker of military merit) of the Lake District.

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