Posted by Magnus Smith on November 30, 2018 at 12:43:06 user Magnus.
In Reply to: Re: Least Favourite Character & Mr Farland! posted by Adam Quinan on November 30, 2018 at 11:12:26:
Equipped with the new evidence which has come to light, we can now see the most amusing parts of Swallowdale and The Picts And The Martyrs are when Cook threatens to give notice over Miss Turner's tyrannical domination of the household.
Cook has to fake all these outbursts, of course, lest the secret of their deep friendship be known. During the period where they both posed as men to join the war effort, 'Bobby' Braithwaite was Captain Turner's loyal batman.
I am lead to believe their excellent ability to disguise themselves as washer-women meant they were selected for several spying missions deep into enemy territory.
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