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Re: Nancy's Grandfather

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Posted by John Wilson on December 15, 2018 at 02:04:46 user hugo.

In Reply to: Re: Nancy's Grandfather posted by Dave Thewlis on December 14, 2018 at 05:53:55:

When Jim Turner meets Dick on his return from South America he says "Gold or silver. I’ve sworn off both of them" and "Gold … who wants it if there’s enough of this (copper) about" although Dick does not take the hint that he is interested in copper! And of course he dismisses Slater Bob’s story about the young man going off to WWI after discovering gold as a "story" or myth; probably the same as Slater Bob’s father or grandfather told about the South African, Zulu or Crimean Wars! (PP33). The books in his study are about "geography, chemistry, mining and such things" so do not appeal to Dorothea (WH8) .

And I agree that the Blacketts are gentry and comfortably off; having a car (even smallish and ancient) and a telephone like Tommy Jolys - the local farmers like Mrs Tyson are not "on the line". And Jim went to Oxford, presumably not on a scholarship.

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