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Re: Miss Lee and Latin

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Posted by John Wilson on January 06, 2019 at 00:30:33 user hugo.

In Reply to: Re: Miss Lee and Latin posted by Robin Selby on January 04, 2019 at 02:10:32:

Missee Lee talks about "Latin first … Pelhaps Gleek next year or the year after that …." John was the only one who knew any Greek, the alphabet "wanted for mathematics" (ML14). And to Captain Flint "in five, ten years pelhaps, no one will guess you only went to Oxford" (ML16). She talks of her father saying "his daughter must have an English education …" a school in Hong Kong, then Gleat Marlow and Camblidge” . But in her first year there there she got a letter with only two words “Come home”. He was "a velly old man" and "velly ill".

The plot of ML depends on her working out from Roger’s addition to her book that "These persons are not thieves but students" (ML13). Roger is her top Latin student; John and Titty know some Latin but Susan, Nancy and Peggy are beginners. And Captain Flint an Oxford student has forgotten it (ML16). The plot of ML depends on Missee Lee wanting a class of students, and I would think the S&A’s are too young to have started Greek? Roger must be about ten (seven plus three) in ML, which seems young to be learning Latin?

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