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Re: Miss Lee and Latin

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Posted by wdmtgts on January 09, 2019 at 10:19:00 user wdmtgts.

In Reply to: Re: Miss Lee and Latin posted by Robin Selby on January 09, 2019 at 09:08:03:

I agree with all of that, Robin. There was a whole raft of private girls' boarding schools in the first half of the century, as partly detailed in Ysenda Maxtone-Graham's recent book Terms and Conditions. I think it was probably one of those, now defunct; perhaps a small school recommended by one of Molly Blackett's friends, or by a pal of Captain Flint re where his sisters went. Nancy seems to be complaining more about the academic pressures of school (AR's voice here) and the general restriction on freedom, rather than ranting about the particular nastiness of the teachers etc (see plenty of that in the above book); so it was school in general rather than the particular establishment that she objected to. Cue a monograph about 'Nancy at school' and the poor teachers' attempts to deal! Peggy probably got on OK, neither standing out or failing in class, and probably making a bunch of undemanding friends, though supporting Nancy and sympathising. (Someone, Peter Willis I think, suggests that Peggy went on to become a sailing instructor, which all fits)

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