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Re: WH clarifications

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Posted by Jon on January 19, 2019 at 07:11:15 user Jon.

In Reply to: WH clarifications posted by Tiss Flower on January 19, 2019 at 03:29:35:

The Observatory opening looks North (note also that they can see Holly Howe from it, and the Plough is almost over Holly Howe (Ch. 2). So by looking left, Dick is looking toward the West.

Quarantine appears to have been a month, which may be considered 4 weeks, 30 days, or until the corresponding day of the next month (which would, for a holiday ending in January, be 31 days) (Ch. 10):

"It’s lucky it’s not the football term,” said John. “A month might make just the difference about getting into the fifteen. But anyhow, it’ll be pretty awful coming back to find everybody a whole month to windward and have all that leeway to make up.”

Even at the most conservative, the quarantine period would have started two days before they were scheduled to return (based on the day Nancy first showed symptoms) (Ch. 6, end):
“I do wish it hadn’t all got to stop so soon,” said Dorothea, as she and Dick walked home along the road under trees heavy with snow. “Only three more days.”

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