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Re: Why did the Admiralty summon Cdr Walker to London?

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Posted by Jon on January 22, 2019 at 07:15:53 user Jon.

In Reply to: Re: Why did the Admiralty summon Cdr Walker to London? posted by Robin Selby on January 22, 2019 at 06:55:43:

As metadata is data about data, metafiction is fiction about fiction.
May I remind you of this passage from Chapter 4 of SD?

Peter Duck had grown up gradually to be one of the able-seaman’s most constant companions, shared now and then by the boy, but not taken very seriously by the others, though nobody laughed at him. He had been the most important character in the story they had made up during those winter evenings in the cabin of the wherry with Nancy and Peggy and Captain Flint. Peter Duck, who said he had been afloat ever since he was a duckling, was the old sailor who had voyaged with them to the Caribbees in the story and, still in the story, had come back to Lowestoft with his pockets full of pirate gold.
Emphasis added.

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