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Re: Holidays

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Posted by Mike Field on August 05, 2019 at 18:03:11 user mikefield.

In Reply to: Re: Holidays posted by Mike Dennis on August 05, 2019 at 01:13:33:

"... that was why she fell out of favour...."

Yes indeed ... fell out of favour so far here, in fact, that her books were removed from the public school system altogether, and even our public libraries stopped stocking them.

Fortunately that's changed now, and I was pleased to be able to buy my 6yo granddaughter a copy of one of the Secret Seven books a few weeks back for her to try out.

Other children's books like Joel Chandler Harris' 'Uncle Remus' stories and Helen Bannerman's "Little Black Sambo" and so on have also been considered at various times to be non-pc, and suffered accordingly.

(Dare I say it, but there were even some TarBoard contributors here a while back who wanted to bowdlerise AR because he used the word "nigger"....)

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