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Re: Tony Parslow

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Posted by Paul Crisp on December 08, 2019 at 09:39:59 user Paul_Crisp.

In Reply to: Tony Parslow posted by Alan Hakim on December 06, 2019 at 09:27:45:

As Alan said, Tony was an active member of Southern TARS, and aaprt from the machine mentioned (think CC) came up with other AR-related devices - his pigeon alarm bell was as strident as the original in PP, though without damage to crockery. Apart from TARS Tony was associated with the Kent Battle of Britain Museum not far from his home. As a child he had watched the dogfights in the skies overhead, but his best descriptions were of the V1 flying bombs chugging over, and everyone praying the motors would not cut out. he told of watching the fighters intercepting them, initially with guns, but learning how to fly alongside and tilting the Doodlebug off the level by flipping its wingtip with their own. This affected the gyros and the bomb would fall to earth - better in the countryside than on London, although not if you were living in said countryside. Such eye-witnesses are growing fewer and like Tony's tales, their memories are worth recording.

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