Posted by Mike Field on August 25, 2020 at 19:29:06 user mikefield.
In Reply to: Portia and BS; Was: AR puts in lines to read between. posted by Bill Dashfield on August 25, 2020 at 17:53:49:
Bill, you've raised some very good points here; thanks for them.
I too have always read the 'Portia' comment as being a complimentary one towards Dot, and just the way you've described it.
(I'm also heartily sick of all the 'politically-correct' anti-semitism -- and other anti-minority-group -- comments about matters in literature that I've been forced to read in recent times. Whether or not there was any anti-semitic material in Shakespeare is irrelevant to today's readers, having none but possibly historic interest.)
Your other conclusions, about possible motives for actions of the D&Gs and our friends Owdon and Starkey, are also on the money.
PC Tedder has always seemed to me to be a caricature -- the archetypal PC Plod. In the face of all of that evidence, he still thinks the D&Gs are guilty? You just want to shake him.... :-) But then of course, if there weren't so much bone between his ears, a lot of the story could not have been written.
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