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Re: Facebook, Gender balance and other media

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Posted by Catherine L on March 07, 2021 at 15:48:45 user clamont.

In Reply to: Re: Facebook posted by dave on February 07, 2021 at 06:52:01:

Gosh, I don't think I have been cautious of participating in an AR forum because of my gender, although I am sure it is a valid concern for some women. Sometimes I think people don't take me seriously because of this factor, but that's no reason to not give them the option :). I can only answer for myself. The main reasons I haven't participated recently are because I just find FB easier to follow the thread, and FB notifies me when there is a new post. Also, I don't think I can post a longer article or photo to TarBoard. I understand that TarBoard was set up ages ago, maybe when there weren't so many women using the net. I wonder if, by the time women got interested, there were other social media that appealed to women more? I am personally keen for a blog, but someone needs to monitor it, and the current webmaster is already busy enough. And I'm busy with MM. I don't know how many people are aware of TarBoard. It was mentioned in Signals, I think.

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