Posted by Mike Field on November 05, 2021 at 19:13:31 user mikefield.
In Reply to: Re: 2016 film of Swallows and Amazons on NZ TV posted by Jock on November 03, 2021 at 12:50:22:
Well, yes, Jock....
I was responding to the comment, ... "the book as a movie is pretty bland.". And I was indeed talking about the 1974 version. Bland it might or might not be, according to one's perceptions, but as I said that 1974 film certainly brought the book to life for me.
But that supposed 'blandness' of Ransome's text is presumably why the makers of the 2016 version tried to spice up their version of the story; and it appears, from the limited evidence, that for those who had not ever read the book that film worked okay.
On my part, once I'd heard about some of the details of the 'spicing up', I was quite clear that I didn't want to watch the 2016 version at all. And I haven't. But I'd be perfectly happy in going along with your description of it as "a ghastly mess".
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