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Re: The Great Aunt

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Posted by John Wilson on February 11, 2022 at 00:28:42 user hugo.

In Reply to: Re: The Great Aunt posted by John Nichols on February 09, 2022 at 17:56:08:

I agree with John Nichols that the GA’s likely marriageable age was well before WWI; I imagine her like Mrs Barrable (an honorary aunt) who recalls regattas on the Norfolk Broads in the 1890s.

The GA recalls Col Jolys and the Tin Trunpet Incident of at least 50 years ago (PM) when she was presumably older; in her teens? (and Jolys was 4 or 5?).

Col Jolys is the "hero of many wars", presumably the little colonial wars of AR’s childhood. But he would have fought in WWI, as would Ted Walker? But WWI is only mentioned re the officer who finds gold and is then called up (PP), and Mrs Barrable’s brother Richard who served in the Navy.

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