Posted by Mike Field on February 18, 2022 at 16:37:55 user mikefield.
In Reply to: Calculators posted by John Nichols on February 18, 2022 at 06:13:18:
As an 'old guy' myself, I have to say all my engineering studies were undertaken with a slide rule....
When calculators did come out in the early 70s, I preferred the TI59 to its rival the HP35, partly because its notation seemed to me to be much more straightforward than the HP's 'reverse Polish', and partly because I had a special mains-powered cradle for it that give me a paper readout of every entry (very handy when balancing bank accounts).
I also had twenty or thirty 'computer programs' for it, saved on magnetic strip-cards about 3" x 1/2", that the calculator could read and compute from.
But then my 'engineering' turned into 'management', and apart from using the TI59 at tax time for some years I don't suppose I've used it in earnest since about 1980. I've still got it though, and it sill works. :)
Dick would undoubtedly have used an HP.
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