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Re: Calculators

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Posted by Martin Honor on February 20, 2022 at 22:09:22 user MartinH.

In Reply to: Re: Calculators posted by Jon on February 20, 2022 at 10:22:12:

I have used a mixture of calculators, but especially like HP family. At school in the 70's my first calculator was an early four function Commodore, then a Commodore scientific for 6th Form and university.
I worked a Land Surveyor for an American company that preferred HP so we had one of the early programables that printed on a "till roll". Then we started using the HP-41 as a data logger and I bought an HP-41CX, which I still use.
In the Royal Navy (I was a reservist) we were issued with TIs, but when the old Sight Form Reduction Tables were replaced with calculators it was with the HP-41CX. So I took to them immediately while some others struggled.
MY HP was always in my desk drawer at work and I would hand it over if someone wanted to borrow a calculator. Nine times out of ten they would be back asking where to find the Equals key.

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