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Re: Young Ladies' Calculators and Neville Shute's

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Posted by Mike Field on February 23, 2022 at 14:39:15 user mikefield.

In Reply to: Re: Young Ladies' Calculators and Neville Shute's posted by John Wilson on February 23, 2022 at 12:27:04:

Nice example. I very much like Shute's books. He was an honorary Aussie who liked the country so much that he set about seven of his novels here, and himself emigrated at age 50 to settle south of Melbourne. His surname was Norway, and both he and his daughter Felicity were for years listed in the local telephone book under that name.

... and it should be note that the word "calculators" in your extract was used to describe the people who did the calculations, not the machines that we apply that word to these days.

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