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Posted by John Nichols on March 11, 2022 at 05:45:40 user Mcneacail.

There is a purpose to this message and it is AR related, so bear with me.

I have been following the war with a great deal of interest, mainly through CNN and the Guardian. Really the Guardian is a great source of news and interesting stories. (Aside, whom in the Guardian writes the sort of stuff AR wrote?)

The war is really sad, as it hits the children the worst. We are long past the time we need war to resolve issues.

Anyway in a moment of Roger humour, i.e. when John told Roger not to be cheeky, forget the book, I was thinking who would use a war to make money, well besides the fat industrialist so often seen in the ilk of the Punch magazine. So I thought Trump International Travel as I was driving along. Look at the initials.

Lately I have been doing Wordle, if you have not tried it, it is like French verbs for Titty, which led me to the observation Titty is 5 letters, but a lousy starting choice to many t's. Now I have my two volume OED next to my desk when I have four letters and I need to look at five letter words. So I looked up Titty to see if AR had any other meaning available beside the obvious. It does not, so I was wondering why AR used it. I love it as a name as I learned it at 9 and did not know the other meaning, so to me it is a a wonderful name for a wonderful fictious girl.


June 3 1967, I remember hearing on the ABC that AR died, it is my earliest vivid memory beside my grandmother crying for JFK. We left for the states about 2 weeks later.


The Guardian articles that now take direct aim at BJ and call him all sorts of names like Vacant, reminds me of AR and fishing.


The joys of adult humour. Of course the one who reminds me of a married GA is Zoe Williams, I love to read her so I can dislike her.

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