Posted by Robert Hill on July 25, 2022 at 05:46:54 user eclrh.
In Reply to: Re: toast posted by Peter Hyland on July 25, 2022 at 01:47:35:
My recollection is that bread is mentioned fairly often in the series, but toast probably never, which I too found surprising, given that they have camp fires.
I think there's a breakfast scene at Alma Cottage at the start of Secret Water, which I would need to check as the most likely place for any toast reference, but my copy is not to hand.
Bread and marmalade is mentioned a couple of times, whereas I have never had marmalade except on toast.
At one point (possibly in PM) there is a reference to (Dorothea emulating) Susan's alleged method of buttering the end of a loaf before cutting a slice off, but somewhere else in the series Susan does it the other way.
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