Posted by Magnus Smith on September 18, 2022 at 02:20:21 user Magnus.
In Reply to: Re: 'Goblin' sunk, but now refloated posted by Mike Field on September 08, 2022 at 03:24:02:
Nancy/Goblin sunk literally (in water) whereas The-Swallow-from-the-film has sunk figuratively in recent years, with the poor health of both her committee members. However, there is good news now, which you can read about in the 'Sail Ransome' newsletter I have pasted below...
It has been a long time since the last newsletter about 'Swallow', and the reasons for that are detailed below, as we update you on the past, the present and the future...
--- The Past ---
The original appeal to buy 'Swallow' and make her available to get fans sailing started in 2010, and sadly we were not able to celebrate our ten year anniversary with gusto and happiness due to three medical reasons: a pandemic, the physical health of one of our committee members, and the mental health of the other.
Both of the personal situations had been building up for some time, affecting the activity and energy that we all wish 'Swallow' had received. Nevertheless, there was a high profile appearance on the BBC's Antiques Roadshow programme, and some sailing the year after.
I am pleased to say that both of us (Rob and Magnus) are in reasonable health now, and out of danger.
--- The Present ---
Those living in the south of England may be interested to hear that 'Swallow' is on display at the Southampton Boat Show from today until 25th September. Sophie Neville, who played Titty in the film, will be speaking on the Foredeck Stage there too, on certain days. See
There are no further events planned for 2022 due to repair work needed.
--- The Future ---
Swallow has a small leak in the bows, and sorely needs general upkeep to the varnish. It is time certain safety equipment (and road trailer hubs) were replaced, as things degrade over ten years. Our bank account can just about cope with the simple replacements, but affording a boatbuilder is beyond us at present.
We hope that contacts at the Boat Show will prove fortuitous in that area, but would appeal to any readers who have ideas or feel able to help us chase down a cheaper offer of assistance - please get in touch!
You can of course support with gifts via but we appreciate that most families are feeling the pinch right now, and that many of you have donated generously in the past, so we are focussing on finding a kind-hearted boat builder most of all.
There is a hint of a rumour that it might be possible to add 'Amazon' to our fleet one day - yes, the boat used in the same 1974 film! We hope to announce the outcome of this next year.
Thank you for your support,
Magnus Smith and Rob Boden
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