Posted by Peter Hyland on February 28, 2023 at 02:03:29 user Peter_H.
In Reply to: Re: Swallow and Amazon and TARS posted by Adam Quinan on February 27, 2023 at 06:59:03:
Adam, I don't see it as quite that simple. You say that "Sail Ransome is not intended to continue". I certainly understand why Magnus and Rob are seeking alternative care for Swallow, but my point is that many people (myself included) chipped in to help buy the boat and then maintain her. We now find that Swallow is being gifted to TARS. Well I am a TARS member and so will continue to have access to Swallow when the transition is sorted out, but what about donors who are not TARS members? They now see the boat put out of their reach. And please don't say that they can join TARS - they may not wish to, for various reasons. Would TARS allow non-members to sail Swallow?
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