Posted by Jon on January 19, 2024 at 11:06:38 user Jon.
In Reply to: Do we still want TarBoard? posted by Adam Quinan on January 19, 2024 at 07:51:38:
Having dropped my membership in TARS because it seemed to me that content there was moving more and more to Ransome's press career and less and less to S&A (why I originally came here, and later joined TARS), and being one of those who avoid FacePlant, I'd say this is a potentially valuable resource.
As a place where we can discuss "Beckfoot plumbing" or the original reference books which provided the models for the books referenced in S&A, I'd say it's still potentially worth keeping around. How much does it cost to maintain the site on a yearly basis (domain hosting, DNS, security certs, and the like?), and what kind of time commitment does it need?
I'm certainly willing to kick in for the maintenance costs, and can bring my web/xNIX experience to help with the admin side if needed, to keep the site going.
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