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Re: Beckfoot Plumbing

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Posted by John Wilson on October 11, 2024 at 01:00:30 user hugo.

In Reply to: Re: Beckfoot Plumbing posted by Adam Quinan on October 07, 2024 at 13:42:48:

In S&A Peggy says that the oak barrel in Amazon was meant as a water breaker as the water in the lake was not fit to drink. But as they always drink it, not straight out of the lake but boiled for tea they use the water breaker as a puncheon for feastable drinks ... (SA11).

When Peggy goes down to Mrs Tysons for milk, she puts her head under the pump to scrub the charcoal dust off (PP20). Perhaps typical of farmhouses to have a pump from a well?

There is a stream past the Dog House which goes down to the Amazon past Beckfoot, but it is small and goes under the road in a culvert (pipe) not a bridge. Dick or Dot fill the kettle from the beck waterfall, and it goes on a hook over the fire to boil (PM6, PM7 & PM26)

Re water rams, I think an appreciable volume of water flowing downhill would be required to push a smaller amount of water uphill! So not really practical at Beckfoot.

Beckfoot would be similar to the farmhouses in having a pump from a well for water. And having illumination by kerosene (paraffin) lamps or candles. It differs in having a telephone though; with a pair of wires on poles from the Fellside manual exchange.

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