Posted by John Wilson on November 28, 2024 at 02:30:27 user hugo.
In Reply to: Re: Physical characteristics of the main characters posted by Catherine on November 23, 2024 at 22:55:28:
John shins up the signal tree on Wild Cat Island, which is a very tall pine with as Roger says no sticky-out branches (SA5). When Captain Flint and helpers have finished moving the camp back to Wild Cat Island he says Hot work shifting all those things …. and that tree takes some climbing.(SD36). But I think Mary’s friend Tom the woodman would have done the climbing, not CF! CF says There’ll be grouse-shooting all over those moors tomorrow so they are best out of the way. Were grouse shot in a particular season, or was it the weekend coming up.
Thanks re the dogmudgeon with the grey beard and blue eyes who encountered the decoy party. They don’t know what crime they are accused of, when they were walking noisily and banging on stones (GN22). But Captain Flint realises (GN24) \that being accused of chasing their deer is serious (frightening the hinds to make them move onto someone elses land in the breeding season). The dogmudgeon captures Dick (GN23,24).
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