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Re: Review on IMDb

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Posted by Peter Hyland on September 17, 2016 at 03:16:44 user Peter_H.

In Reply to: Re: Review on IMDb posted by JG on September 16, 2016 at 14:01:24:

I agree that the D of E Award Scheme is admirable, but we're getting off the point. I don't think that it is Gollum-ish to believe that Nancy Blackett's character should not be distorted for filmic purposes (if in fact it has been distorted - I have yet to see the film). If Nancy has been portrayed as 'sulky', then that is the exact opposite of the Nancy created by AR - the true Nancy is breezy, optimistic, impetuous, resilient, and she would make short work of anyone near her who was sulking. She is a finely calibrated character, and is AR's major creation. She stands in British children's literature as a classic powerful creation, along with figures such as Long John Silver or Just William, and of course she is also female. To 'adapt' Nancy into a whining teenager is to dismantle the whole of the Swallows & Amazons stories - they just won't work. To justify this on the basis that it might get a few children camping is just not on. (By the way, TARS is irrelevant here.)

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