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Re: Clarification: Re: BELLS

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Posted by Alex Forbes on August 18, 2017 at 11:27:28 user Pitsligo.

In Reply to: Re: Clarification: Re: BELLS posted by Dave Thewlis on August 18, 2017 at 08:35:47:

DRAT! The html coding removed a bunch of words from my post. Sorry for the pseudo double post, but here's what my last one should have looked like:

MacHD > Library > Ship's Clock --I think. Now that it's in the trash I can't remember if it was an independant folder within Library, or if I had to go into another folder within Library, like Componants, to find it. It was pretty obvious, though.

MacHD > Library > PreferencePanes will let you get rid of the actual control panel, rather than just hiding it via the System Preferences.

There's also a file titled "org.sonofagun.shipsclockd.plist" in the Preferences folder, if you want to be really tidy. I *think* that's in the master Library, but it might be in the User Profile Library.

Remember that there are a couple different Library folders: one within your User Profile, and then the master Library under the MacHD icon. You want the latter to dig out the Ship's Clock app itself. (I always get stumped by this detail.)

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