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Re: Handedness of the children

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Posted by MDyson on February 04, 2018 at 01:04:32 user MarkD.

In Reply to: Re: Handedness of the children posted by Alex Forbes on February 03, 2018 at 22:15:27:

In SW “the blooding” shows Nancy using her right hand to prick Peggy.

In the text Roger pricks his own left hand, indicating he is also right handed.

It shows Don using his left hand to prick himself, John using his right, Susan holding the iodine bottle in her right to give to Roger and holding her left like it’s hurt (she gives the bottle to Roger after pricking herself, so presumably she is right handed and using her uninjured hand to hold the bottle). Titty is dripping blood onto the plate from her left hand after pricking herself so is also presumably right handed.

I think that’s fairly good evidence that all the Swallows and Nancy are right handed and only Don is a left hooker.

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