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Re: Back To Something Serious

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Posted by Duncan on July 17, 2018 at 02:33:13 user Duncan.

In Reply to: Back To Something Serious posted by Mike Dennis on July 09, 2018 at 08:39:39:


I must confess, when I first read AR's letters I was surprised how much he referred to the comedic elements of the SA books. He often is pleased that a section is funny, or concerned that something isn't funny enough. I hadn't really thought of them as comedic novels up to that point, although with reflection, there is rather a lot of gentle humour in there. (Although occasionally the humour is the one thing that rather dates the books, such as the handful of unfortunate sentences relating to race, which are usually included with intended humour).

On the imperialism point, I often (and perhaps too strongly for some) argue the opposite: that AR's work is furiously anti-imperialist and that anti-imperialism is the one clear constant in AR's politics throughout his life.

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