Posted by Mike Dennis on October 22, 2019 at 01:42:44 user MTD.
In last night’s (21st October) edition of the TV quiz “Only Connect” on BBC Two here in the UK, there was an AR related question.
For those who have not watched it or live outside the UK, the format is that teams of three contestants are given a sequence of four clues, if they can work out the connection between them the more points they get with least number of clues – so 1 clue 4 points down to 4 clues 1 point.
The first clue for this particular sequence was
Winter Holiday
I realised at once the connection, the rest of the sequence was, of course,
Peter Duck Swallowdale Swallows and Amazons
Neither of the teams got it, and were chastised by the presenter, Victoria Coren Mitchell, for being part of generations (all adults) that spend their childhoods playing with computers rather than reading!
It has to be noted that the connections are often very obscure relating to the number of letters in words etc. or, as in another question last night, the colours used in flags. All in the style of cryptic crosswords!
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