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Re: New Member

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Posted by Bill Dashfield on October 02, 2020 at 03:13:14 user BillD.

In Reply to: Re: New Member posted by Peter Hyland on September 30, 2020 at 11:33:50:

Welcome to TarBoard Gerry. Like you I've been reading for a while, and recently started posting.

You mentioned the sailing on the Lake; I've always wanted more of it - after S&A there only seemed to be sailing at the start and end.
One reason I like Picts and the Martyrs was the joy Dick (and Dorothea) was finding in learning to sail their new boat.

Peter - this Guardian reviewer seems to feel the same as you about Swallowdale:

"It's a book where nothing, really, happens - and yet even young readers learn to be caught and held by the richness of its sensual detail. Here are children building a camp, walking up a hill, watching a hunt, fishing for trout, eating breakfast. Where is the plot? Where is the struggle?


Although there is so little plot in Swallowdale, it is always an urgent book - you are always waiting for something to begin, but you are also always looking backwards; this is a book suffused in nostalgia. Nothing happens, but every moment seems precious."

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