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Re: Going to the Lakes, but want to be different

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Posted by Jock on May 14, 2022 at 11:32:45 user Jock.

In Reply to: Going to the Lakes, but want to be different posted by Magnus Smith on May 14, 2022 at 07:31:54:

What else can I do that isn't part of a standard pilgrimage?

Quite a challenge to come up with something in the same league. After due consideration came up with the following.

1) Find Arthur's rock near the Miners' Bridge.
2) Scramble down the precipice.
3) Wade across Church Beck to the foot of the waterfall.
4) Find the hidden entrance to the trial adit.
5) Explore the same.

Coniston Copper Mines: A Field Guide... by Eric Holland is a useful reference.

Usual disclaimer applies. The above is posted for entertainment purposes only, and does not constitute an invitation to carry out the activities described. Anyone doing so, does so entirely at their own risk.

As an alternative, I hear that tea and scones at Brantwood is highly recommended.

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