Posted by Tiss Flower on September 07, 2016 at 08:52:37 user Tiss_Flower.
In Reply to: Re: Should be - Strange Comment posted by JG on September 07, 2016 at 07:32:54:
Now I can accuse myself of being unclear. I'll watch the film when it comes to TV as, yes, pretty much anything that keeps AR in the public eye is worthwhile - but I won't go to see the film. Even that's disingenuous as I don't go to any films! Also hypocritical as I'll be doing what I've more or less condemned a TV reviewer for! Can I get much worse?
My only excuse is that my love and respect for AR means that I bridle if I think people play fast and loose with his work, especially if it's dismissed as old fashioned children's stories. I'm glad If I'm proved wrong by the film and an AR-friendly journalist.
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