Posted by Magnus Smith on November 23, 2016 at 01:55:13 user Magnus.
In Reply to: Re: "As old as my tongue... posted by Mike Jones on November 22, 2016 at 12:45:31:
The quote about tongue and teeth is definitely not mentioned in any of the S&A books; I've confirmed with a computer search of the ebooks.
The only bit I can think of, which you might have been remembering, was this:
Young Billy gave a last pat or two to the smoking mound, and came to them. He was another old man, but not quite so old as the first.
“Dad been showing you round?” he said to the Swallows.
“Is he your son?” Roger asked the first old man.
“He is that, and got sons and grandsons of his own, too. You wouldn’t think I was as old as all that. But I’m Old Billy and he’s Young Billy.”
“He doesn’t look like a son,” said Roger.
Young Billy laughed. “Let’s have the box, dad,” he said, and Old Billy gave him the cigar-box.
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