Posted by Mike Field on April 08, 2017 at 16:28:10 user mikefield.
In Reply to: Ransome, Shanties and Piracy by the BBC posted by Jock on April 07, 2017 at 22:21:13:
Well, I don't know whether I was listening to the Sailor's Prayer on that clip you linked to or not, but I'm afraid I wasn't impressed by it, or at least by the arrangement. If the part of that little snatch I listened to is typical of the music in the rest of the film, then I guess that's another reason I'm not sorry to not have seen it.
Compare that music of Eshkeri's (plagiarised or not, which is another issue) with the music -- and especially its use of shanties -- composed by Wilfred Josephs for the 1974 version.
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