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Re: Do boys read girls books?

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Posted by Ed Kiser on June 16, 2017 at 07:19:57 user Kisered.

In Reply to: Re: Do boys read girls books? posted by Duncan on June 14, 2017 at 01:33:26:

Perhaps it is a British thing, as being American, most of these authors mentioned in this topic I have never heard of. I did read Secret Garden and the Alice In Wonderland and Through the looking Glass, but those others are just unknowns to me. However, my older sister had quite a collection of the Nancy Drew series, which I enjoyed every one.

One side note here, about Through the Looking Glass: that book gave me a word that has become a part of my vocabulary, even though when I use it, people question me as to whether maybe I just made it up, and cannot believe it was used in that classic Alice book. The word is MISCONSCREWED which lets it be subject to invalid interpretations. It means to DELIBERATE take the wrong understanding knowing some other meaning was intended. Now, have fun looking through your Looking Glass copy to see if you can find it.

Oh, the things we learn from the love of Ransome. These daily visits to this Forum are quite an education.

Ed Kiser, Kentucky, USA [ ]

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