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Re: Class and language in the books

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Posted by Paul Crisp on September 18, 2017 at 02:52:48 user Paul_Crisp.

In Reply to: Re: Class and language in the books posted by Peter Hyland on September 18, 2017 at 01:54:45:

I agree - the map is very interesting, though possibly a little too generalised. Here are some observations noted during this year. Staying in Wester Ross in the last couple of weeks I heard High Tea used, with the implication that dinner was only for the tourists. The same when staying with some relatives of my wife near Newcastle. Supper is used in London and certainly in the Home Counties for a late meal, as in supper after the theatre. It's dinner in mid-Devonshire (not the tourist part); at least, that's my experience!

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