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Re: Missee Lee (was 15lb Pike caught in Martham)

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Posted by beardbiter on October 22, 2017 at 12:37:59 user beardbiter.

In Reply to: Re: Missee Lee (was 15lb Pike caught in Martham) posted by Paul on October 22, 2017 at 07:13:39:

Seems a long time since I last posted on Tarboard- Facebook is just too easy...
Anyway, I wonder if the pike was as tasty as the one I ate in Russia last winter?
As for ML, it seems a bit perverse to have this as one's favourite, seeing as it belongs to a different genre to most of the canon. Nevertheless, it has its admirers, including me. The twists and turns of the plot are excellent and entirely coherent, given the characters and the setting AR so skilfully evokes. And the Latin lessons are ingenious, entirely original as well as being highly amusing. I did study Latin at school, so I can't read ML from the position of someone who never sat through amo, alas, I loved a lass, but I'm sure that most people who've ever been to any kind of school can get the general picture.

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