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Re: Handedness of the children

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Posted by Magnus Smith on February 05, 2018 at 00:47:22 user Magnus.

In Reply to: Re: Handedness of the children posted by Alex Forbes on February 04, 2018 at 12:19:16:

The quote you are after is chapter IX of Coot Club:

“It’s quite easy, really,” said Starboard.
“Once you know,” said Port.
“Oh, yes,” said Mrs. Barrable. “I remember now. Nell’s the one with curly hair.”
“And the right-handed one,” said Tom. “That’s why she’s Starboard, and Bess is left-handed and so she’s Port. It comes very handy for sailing.”
“Not much sailing for anybody today,” said Mrs. Barrable, looking up the glassy river.

Left-handed children born as recently as 1909 had their arm strapped behind their back at school; I heard this from my wife's grandfather. Do we guess that Bess was born around 1915 or just after? Or would AR have thought about his own childhood? Or that of Tabitha?

As a child of a solicitor I expect Bessie to have had a good education.

On another tangent: do you think their full names were Elizabeth and Helen?!

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